
Grumpy Old Men: Understanding the Minor Prophets

The Bible promises us that the Minor Prophets are profitable to read. God will use them to teach us truth, convict us of our sins, train us in righteousness, and equip us for the good work He has created us to do. However, there is no denying the reality that the Minor Prophets are some of the hardest books of the Bible to both understand and to make profitable. This short introduction to the Minor Prophets will help you understand their message so that you can hear God speak to you today through the Minor Prophets.

If: The Conditionality of the Gospel and Danger of Apostacy

What a little word, and yet it totally changes the meaning of promises. I will buy you a car if… I will marry you if… We will accept you into our program if… When someone makes a promise to you that contains an “if,” you know that promise is based upon certain conditions being met. “If” statements imply conditionality. According to the Bible, the gospel is an “if” promise. The promises of God are based upon certain conditions being met.

D14: A Strategy for Making Disciples Who Make Disciple

D14 not only explains the disciple making strategy used by the First Baptist Church of Benbrook, but it also explores various disciple making strategies along with their core values. If you are working to develop a disciple making method for your church, this resource will help you understand the differences between the various models so you can discern which model might be right for you.

Word of God Speak: Understanding the Bible and Hearing God’s Voice

The very first followers of Christ had an amazing experience with the Scriptures. They actually heard the Spirit of God speak to them through the Scripture writings, and God used them to teach them truth, keep them on the right path, train them in righteousness, and equip them for the good work He created them to do. To them, the Bible was living and active and a meaningful part of their spiritual journey.

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