
Work Because God is at Work
Philippians Todd Pylant Philippians Todd Pylant

Work Because God is at Work

The apostle Paul encouraged the Christians in Philippi to work out their salvation, to put into practice who they were in Christ. But the reason they should and could work out their salvation is because God is at work in them, individually and corporately, to will and to work for His good pleasure. (Philippians 2.12-13)

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Of One Mind
Philippians Todd Pylant Philippians Todd Pylant

Of One Mind

The death of Jesus on the cross was not merely a pardon for sins but a necessary act of justice that delivers humanity from the domain of darkness, highlighting the profound significance of the incarnation and the cross in God's plan for salvation. (Philippians 2.8)

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Why Death on a Cross?
Philippians Todd Pylant Philippians Todd Pylant

Why Death on a Cross?

The death of Jesus on the cross was not merely a pardon for sins but a necessary act of justice that delivers humanity from the domain of darkness, highlighting the profound significance of the incarnation and the cross in God's plan for salvation. (Philippians 2.8)

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Fully God and Fully Human
Philippians Todd Pylant Philippians Todd Pylant

Fully God and Fully Human

Philippians 2:7-8 - The beauty and mystery of the Incarnation is that Jesus was, and is, both fully God and fully man, and this life changing truth impacts our daily lives, including our understanding of how to live like Jesus, prayer, and hope in resurrection.

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Before the Manger
Philippians Todd Pylant Philippians Todd Pylant

Before the Manger

The true meaning of Christmas lies not in celebrating the birth of a mere spiritual leader, but in recognizing the profound mystery of the Incarnation, where Jesus, who is fully God, humbled Himself and entered creation to redeem humanity. (Philippians 2.5-6)

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Worthy Citizens
Philippians Todd Pylant Philippians Todd Pylant

Worthy Citizens

As citizens of heaven living in this world, we are called to stand firm in one Holy Spirit and strive together side by side for the gospel with the mind of Christ, demonstrating unity and purpose amidst our diversity.

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Through Your Prayers
Philippians Todd Pylant Philippians Todd Pylant

Through Your Prayers

Our neglect of striving prayer not only limits God's divine activity in this present world but also silently participates in the rebellion against His sovereign rule over creation.

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The Apostle Paul vs. the NRTADV
Philippians Todd Pylant Philippians Todd Pylant

The Apostle Paul vs. the NRTADV

The big idea of this sermon is that our circumstances, even in suffering, can serve to advance the gospel and inspire boldness in others, challenging us to embrace this truth rather than seeking only comfort and deliverance.

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God Finishes What He Starts
Philippians Todd Pylant Philippians Todd Pylant

God Finishes What He Starts

One of the great promises in Scripture is that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. In this sermon, we reflect on the nature of human experience, where we often start things but fail to finish due to limited resources or changing desires, contrasting this with God's unwavering faithfulness and sovereignty.

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What Jesus Prays For Us
John Todd Pylant John Todd Pylant

What Jesus Prays For Us

In His High Priestly Prayer, Jesus intercedes for us, emphasizing the importance of praying in alignment with His will, as He desires for us to receive His words, remain united, and experience His joy and love.

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Hated but Helped
John Todd Pylant John Todd Pylant

Hated but Helped

While followers of Jesus will face hatred and persecution from the world because they are no longer of it, they can find hope in the promise of the Holy Spirit, who empowers them to bear witness to Christ even in the darkest places.

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Unseen Visibility
John Todd Pylant John Todd Pylant

Unseen Visibility

This sermon delves into the profound significance of the Feast of Booths, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, and its connection to Jesus’ declaration in John 7.

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Under New Management
John Todd Pylant John Todd Pylant

Under New Management

Jesus confronted Nicodemus, a good and religious man, with this life changing truth: unless one is born again, born from above, born of the Spirit, he cannot see or enter the kingdom of God. This spiritual truth and hope continues to challenge and invite us today. Eternal life is given to all who believe in the name of Jesus, but what does it mean to believe? What does it mean to be born again?

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